One of the first friends you will meet when you arrive at New Resident Island is Pegasus.
With a friendly nod and equine smile he will greet you as you walk over the bridge to our free shopping. He is so lovely you may need to linger and watch him for a while.
You will see the signpost which shows some of the things you can find at New Resident Island.
Pegasus is going to introduce you to the Avatar Tutorials at New Resident Island - but first he has some information for you!
Here is how-
"Isn't that better? All nice and bright and everything visible like in day time!"
So, to the Avatar Tutorials.
He says "It is important that you can see things in the daylight for this learning task. We have different times of the day, but we can change them. If it's too dark for you, why not change your ambiance to Midday instead of Midnight!"
Here is how-
"Isn't that better? All nice and bright and everything visible like in day time!"
So, to the Avatar Tutorials.
This is a simple, first step guide to help you find -
-your Inventory (where we keep all of our things)
-the Recent section within your Inventory (separate, to enable you to find what you have just received 'recently')
-and how to use folders of clothes and other avatar apparel and accessories that you receive.
You may still be using one of the Newcomer Avatars or you may have tried to do something already and find bits of you are invisible or find yourself wearing 3 tee shirts, 2 lots of hair and 3 odd shoes!
You may still be using one of the Newcomer Avatars or you may have tried to do something already and find bits of you are invisible or find yourself wearing 3 tee shirts, 2 lots of hair and 3 odd shoes!
There is good news! This is normal!
(Female clothes photographs and outfits by LyricalBizarre)
The tutorial includes an open source mesh body and to begin you will completely replace your current avatar with a new one, ready for improvement.
You can then try different skin tones, body shapes and hair.
Finally you will receive some new clothes and we hope you will love your newly created look!
Once you have your new look, it is important to SAVE it, so that you will be able to use it again with just a few clicks, instead of hunting through your Inventory every time to find it!
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Use this tab, the 'tee shirt' tab, the Outfits window. Find SAVE AS, click, name your new look and OK to Save. You can then find all of your saved outfits in the 'My Outfits' section of that window.
You can also see a list of items your avatar is 'wearing' or is made up of, and remove them, in this window.
Male and female tutorials can be found here at New Resident Island.
Editing Your Shape. You will need to know how to do this for wearing clothes in the future, or even if you choose to invest in one of the fabulous designer bodies available.
Right click on your avatar, then on the edit shape function in the small menu. Your avatar will spin around and your shape window will open so that you can utilize all of the separate sections of the body right there.
New to Avatar creation and want to learn more about the designer mesh bodies available? Try for information about your thoughts, ideas, money, using demos and gender directories.
Other information sources are available through blogs on the web, stores inworld and branded body and head designers groups.
Please always get the 'demo's' for all of the designer bodies before you buy the real thing.
Ruth and Roth open source bodies -